Christine Spanninger Lilian Schwalb
Programme Office Engagierte Stadt – local cooperation for civic engagement
BBE gemeinnützige GmbH
Michaelkirchstraße 17/18
D-10179 Berlin
Telephone (030) 62 98 0 310
E-Mail christine.spanninger(at)
Engagierte Stadt – local cooperation for civic engagement
c/o BBE gemeinnützige GmbH
Michaelkirchstraße 17/18
D-10179 Berlin
Telephone (030) 62 98 0 110
Fax (030) 62 98 0 151
E-Mail info(at)
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 129205 B
Geschäftsführer (V.i.S.d.P.)
PD Dr. Ansgar Klein
Supervisory authority:
The Free und Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Department of Justice and Equality, Drehbahn 36, 20354 Hamburg
VAT number in accordance with paragraph 27(a) of the VAT Act: DE 118 717 618
Responsible for content (in accordance with paragraph 6 of the Interstate Treaty on Media Services): Lothar Dittmer
Design and concept:
Der Zweite Blick – Simone Schubert
Programming and hosting:
VCAT Consulting GmbH
August-Bebel-Straße 26-53
14482 Potsdam GmbH & Co. KG
Klingenderstr. 5
33100 Paderborn
Telephone (05251) 777418 – 0
Fax (05251) 777418 – 99
In accordance with paragraph 5(1) of the Interstate Treaty on Media Services, BBE gemeinnützige GmbH, as the content provider, is responsible for the content it provides on this website. However, this content needs to be distinguished from ‘linked’ content provided by other content providers. The BBE gemeinnützige GmbH is responsible for this external content only if it has positive knowledge of such content (i.e. also of illegal or criminal content) and it is technically possible and reasonable to prevent its use (§ 5 Para. 2 German Interstate Agreement on Media Services). No such illegal content was known to BBE gemeinnützige GmbH at the time of creating the links.
All content is provided for general information purposes only. No guarantee can be provided of the correctness or completeness of the content. Any use of the content is undertaken at the user’s own risk. The BBE gemeinnützige GmbH assumes no liability for the usage of the website – with the exception of the mandatory liability stipulated by statutory provisions – and this particularly applies to claims for compensation.
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BBE gemeinnützige GmbH takes the protection of your personal data very seriously. Personal data collected when visiting our websites are processed and used in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations.
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BBE gemeinnützige GmbH only processes and uses personal data to the extent that is necessary to deal with your inquiries and orders.
BBE gemeinnützige GmbH applies extensive technical and organisational security measures to protect any personal data that we store. These security measures are regularly updated and continuously optimised in order to reflect the latest developments.
Right to information:
We would be happy to provide you with information about whether and which personal data we store about you and, if appropriate, where this data came from and why it is stored. If you have any questions about data protection or the processing and use of your personal data, please contact us by email at info(at)